Wednesday, October 22, 2014

how to write switch case in c# .net

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 class Program  
   static void Main(string[] args)  
     int switchExpression = 3;  
     switch (switchExpression)  
       // A switch section can have more than one case label.   
       case 0:  
       case 1:  
         Console.WriteLine("Case 0 or 1");  
         // Most switch sections contain a jump statement, such as   
         // a break, goto, or return. The end of the statement list   
         // must be unreachable.   
       case 2:  
         Console.WriteLine("Case 2");  
         // The following line causes a warning.  
         Console.WriteLine("Unreachable code");  
       // 7 - 4 in the following line evaluates to 3.   
       case 7 - 4:  
         Console.WriteLine("Case 3");  
       // If the value of switchExpression is not 0, 1, 2, or 3, the   
       // default case is executed.   
         Console.WriteLine("Default case (optional)");  
         // You cannot "fall through" any switch section, including  
         // the last one.   
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3:27 AM Share:


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